BRITTSOMMAR is the brainchild of songwriter Sawyer Gebauer, deeply rooted in the tradition of folkish musical storytelling but blended with contemporary pop. His music is close to the heart and soul of a song, evoking feelings by simple poetic writing that’s actually very hard to achieve. There is a new EP coming out soon called The Mary Me EP and on it will be a beautiful, soothing song called Can’t Breathe On My Own. The whole thing was recorded reel-to-reel on tape which applies a nice vintage touch to the music.
All in all it seems as if BRITTSOMMAR is very much about a broad range approach towards Gebauer’s art because the accompanying video we’re happy to premiere today on NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION is just as thoughtful and carefully crafted as the song itself. It follows a young women throughout the let-downs of daily urban life as well as the struggle to escape and the clip, directed by Felix Thiemer, transcends the lyrics into some beautiful pictures. Enjoy the clip exclusively right here and dream away to this wonderful song.