The cheese company Alpenhain goes viral and surf on the success of interactive advertisement campaigns. If something becomes a success as a youtube hit or starting a fun movement is still highly dependent from uniqueness, quality and surprise factor. The people who are involved decide. Let’s see if Bavarian cheese can bring it on.
In their new campaign, the company motivates their customers (apparently the young and the stylish) to film their own version of the “Obazda Style” on a given song. “Obazda” is a very Bavarian name for this cheese, which is a traditional part of the famous Weisswurst Breakfast. It’s a traditionally uncool product, which makes it cool in my eyes. Weisswurst is not cool, local beer is not cool, but do I care? Of course not. It’s cool because it’s uncool. You know what I mean. So how does it now work to make an uncool product truly stylish? Ask Jägermeister, they know for sure. But Obazda doesn’t have any benefits in making fun stuff with your brain. It’s just cheese, special and tasty indeed. What could make it a success is the fun part, which is always connected to the Bavarian Lederhosen Oktoberfest thing. There are young people out there (the farther they live away from Bavaria, let’s say Australia, the cooler it gets) who like that as a fun thing.
So the circle is closing here. Make a funny video about cheese and dancing, get in your Leather outfit (not the black) and win a trip to Oktoberfest or at least an ipad. So it is about the digital crowd to decide how much you do to get something for free and if everything that goes viral is at the same time cool. And just for your information, Obazda cheese contains caraway.
This post is sponsored by Alpenhain