Photo by Jimmy King
Speculators of the world unite as we present you a slices of hope for new music by legendary DAVID BOWIE. As you might remember NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION recently talked about different scenarios for the musical future of the almighty artist. But now it looks like we can erase the option ‘retirement’ from that list. As DavidBowieNews.com reports Mr. BOWIE sent an interesting message to a charity event in London last Saturday.
The full message goes: ‘This city is even better than the one you were in last year, so remember to dance, dance, dance. And then sit down for a minute, knit something, then get up and run all over the place. Do it. Love on ya. More music soon. David.’
Of course, these final words can mean a lot of things and we’re far from having precise news on the follow-up to last year’s comeback album The Next Day but it’s better than nothing. We’ll keep you updated on this and enjoy last year’s The Stars (Are Out Tonight) in the meantine.