Emmacosta - Brontos - Video

Things you always love from a music journalist’s perspective: coming up with new genres. Gothenburg-based three-piece EMMECOSTA already did the hard work by themselves and labeled the sound of their band as ‘Post Club’ which is more fitting than you might think at the first place. Their latest single Brontos is a tender piece of soulful synthpop, balancing gently between light and dark. ‘When it comes to songwriting, or sound writing,’ explains the group in the press release, ‘we start from a small detail; a single piece of a huge puzzle, which is something dear to us. Then we build an epic scenario that evokes the truth of this modest little detail.’

And music video director Jeremy also paid a lot of attention to the details for the new EMMECOSTA clip. He explains his Brontos  video concept in the form of the following words:

We were captivated by the rippling and disjointed structure of Brontos, which moves between sonic spaces. There are stages of tranquility and intensity that crash against each other; we wanted to reflect this poetry at all levels from the environment to the narrative. Our aim was to observe and explore simple human movements, fragmented moments abstracted in time. Together they form a visual relationship between three people that is entirely suggestive and always evasive. An impossible collective memory, the experience of a place through individual perspectives.

The location was important to us, it’s a melancholic and hostile space. Decaying forts stand isolated and contemplative on the beach, rhythmically being submerged by water. The desolate peninsula bears these constructs as scars of it’s past, for over a century war defences on the Isle of Grain had protected London and the UK. Now reclaimed by nature, they have become part of the vast marshland environment. Industry dominates the landscape with power stations, a container port, and proposals for a huge new airport. We wanted to use this volatile history of disturbance and the relics of battle that are so evident there, as another character stranded in time. A metaphor for protective/defensive mechanisms and the remains of human relationships.

So, don’t hesitate to follow the three protagonists – who are not the band members (in case you were wondering) – to this historic beach and fall for the hypnotic world premiere of the new EMMECOSTA video right here.