By now you should know that NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION shares a certain amount of love for Copenhagen’s FIRST HATE. Their track Trojan Horse made it in the Top 20 of our favourite songs of the year 2015 and the live performances of Anton Falck Gansted and Joakim Norgaard are a stunning testament of intensity. So, it’s obvious that we need to share that new song by the two lads.
White Heron is another pumping piece of sinister dark wave magic that takes us way back to the gloomy days of the early 80s. The Mind of a Gemini is the name of the new FIRST HATE EP which arrives on March the 4th. The self-directed video for White Heron is packed with all kinds of weird ideas, including half-naked dancing in the strobelight and posing in the rain, simply because these guys can. Watch it right here.