Have Your Ever Seen The Jane Fonda Aerobic VHS

It’s this thing with band names; either you are creative or consequent. And in the best cases you hopefully are both. And with a name like this you definitely get a at least a bit attention, even if it might be hard to find you via Google. HAVE YOU EVER SEEN THE JANE FONDA AEROBIC VHS? is a crazy three-piece from Finland and their music is a powerful and entertaining version of lo-fi doo-woop rock. And you know what the most fascinating thing about these guys is? They don’t even have a proper guitarist, thanks to the musical power an old Casio and Eco-organs.

Yes, the end result sounds as weird as you might expect it. (Do the) Shämäläin is the band’s latest music video and it’s exclusively unleashing its madness today on NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION. The track delivers three minutes of feel good vibes and the clip comes along with finest retro VHS flavour; unfortunately excluding proper aerobic moves. Get to know HAVE YOU EVER SEEN THE JANE FONDA AEROBIC VHS? right here.