Photo by Bernie Dechant
Indie rock institution NADA SURF detailed its first full-length studio album in four years. You Know Who You Are arrives on March 4, 2016, following 2012’s The Stars Are Indifferent to Astronomy and a certain hiatus. Leading man Matthew Caws explains the recording process in a press statement:
‘I was so eager to have an album done that I believed in it as it was. But the great thing about being ‘finished’ is that you can take a breath and evaluate, because the pressure to ‘do it’ is gone. The more I listened and thought about it, the more I realized that I might want to keep working. Also, I’d sent the tracks to my friend Josh, who runs Barsuk Records, the label we’ve been on since 2002, and he said ‘It’s great,’ but followed that with a pregnant pause. I got the message. I didn’t take that as a critique as much as a belief that I could do better. It was very freeing. There were already a bunch of songs in the can that we all liked, so I could think more expansively about what the album could be.’
NADA SURF also shared a first track of the LP in form of the delicate and melodic piece Believe You’re Mine. Listen to the track right here.