New Partner - Press

Today we’ve got a tender, emotional folk rock trip waiting for you. The Swedish collective NEW PARTNER around the singer and songwriter Björn Wahlström will release their first, self-titled full-length New Partner on February the 20th. Already now you’ll get the chance to catch an exclusive glimpse at its raw beauty right here on NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION. What you’re about to hear might not hit you as revolutionary but its emotional impact will leave its marks in your days and nights, promised.

It’s probably no coincidence that NEW PARTNER share names with a BONNIE ‘PRINCE’ BILLY track, as the songs are clearly influenced by the likes of WILL OLDHAM, next to JASON MOLINA, blessed with a voice close to FRISKA VILJOR and the heart of a hurt but passionate hippie. In this context, it is furthermore not arbitrary that this collective found its way into the roster of Stargazer Records, for these fellows signed a bunch of artists over the years that are in some way or another linked to NEW PARTNER as well. Names like GRANT CREON, BRING THE MOURNING ON or GOLDEN KANINE might ring a bell here.

The multiple contributions from different fields and instruments create a rich atmosphere on New Partner. Wahlström definitely knows how to highlight his content: lost fathers, pain, hope, future and longing for love – there’s a lot of heavy stuff going on but NEW PARTNER present it in a proud and upright manner. Enjoy a stream of the full record exclusively right here and prepare to be sucked into Björn Wahlström’s world.