SAÅAD‘s latest record Deep/Float is broadly inspired by the duo’s week-long auditory experiments at the Faï farm in 2013 where, in a valley at the foot of the Alps, they improvised music in a completely natural atmosphere using three giant horns reverberating against a cliffside to amplify their sounds. Over the following six months, the duo decided to carry on reinventing their writing. They have stripped their rig right down to its bare skin, exploring the essence of their work and coming up with an extremely minimal, almost carnal approach to their music. Each track of Deep/Float gets a video. With Giant Mouth another video of the series now premieres on NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION. Giant Mouth was directed by Grégoire Orio (As Human Pattern) and produced by Sorry We Are Open. In the end all videos will form a film inspired by the album. Watch SAÅAD‘s Giant Mouth, which is in combination with the Toulouse-based experimental duo’s sound a special experience.