Photo by Hila Cohen
A man is making his way through a dark and uninvited environment, slowly and steady even as everything starts to crumble down. Israeli indie musician Arnon Naor and his alter ego SUN TAILOR chose quite a powerful setting for their new music video Who’s At Your Window. But it’s quite fitting to the highly dramatic music of his latest single. Because at the end, the promise of reaching his love despite the world falling apart should be motivation enough.
Naor marks one of the leading figures in the ever growing Israeli indie scene with his second album arriving this winter. It follows the 2012 SUN TAILOR debut Like The Tides which also gave him the chance to tour multiple times outside his home country. And Who’s At Your Window is already a promising teaser of more things to come from this talented gentleman. Watch the premiere of the new music video, now exclusively on NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION, right here.