Photo by Arnfinn Johnsen
TEAM ME live from big gestures and emotional assault on people’s weak spots. Like their hearts. Their soul. Or just their Lacrimal Gland. I saw it happening. No joke: Strong and unwavering men got bitched down to their knees by their latest record Blind As Night. Just like that. Endorphin overdose, flatline.
So we thought of some little revenge here at the NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION ‘Heartbreak Hotel’: Confront the band with videos that will uncover their Achilles’ heel. Show them clips that directly refer to memories of childhood, clips that ask about the bands country, their heritage and expose the every day and habitual. And indeed, we’re going to make use of the answers we got. Hence the pretty band is playing the already sold out Ja Ja Ja event in ugly Berlin, we are now ready to see them live without the tears blurring our makeup.
1. Sult (1966)
„It was during the time I wandered about and starved in Christiania: Christiania, this singular city, from which no man departs without carrying away the traces of his sojourn there…“
What marks did your countries capital carry onto you?
I guess we are very fortunate to live in Norway at the moment. It hasn’t always been that way, and I’m sure it will pass at some point. As in being musicians, at least there used to be, a lot of funds both from the government and private actors, that were helping bands and artists tour and record. Even though there still are a few left, the new government cut the cultural fundings quite a bit. So, for example, if you’re an artist trying to do something that is not very mainstream, you might have a hard time doing that without having a job on the side. I guess the future doesn’t look too bright for anyone who wants to do something outside the mainstream these days, though.
2. Mari Boine Persen – Vuoi Vuoi Mu, Idjagiedas
What’s your connection to more or less traditional folk music from Norway?
Well, I guess most Norwegians have some sort of connection to our traditional folk music. Some people hate it, others like it. I guess there’s also some sort of a «scene» for traditional folk music in Norway. If you actually think about it, that scene is sort of an underground thing in popular music in Norway. Nowadays, it’s more a thing for people who have a special interest in that kind of music. As for us, I think some of us are more into «the other» traditional Norwegian scene, Black Metal. However, Elida actually did a cover of an old Joik, an old Sami traditional way of singing, as a school project once. Although she did it in a post rock kind of style. Another fun fact, my grandmother actually used to baby sit a woman who writes some of Mari Boines lyrics. Also, one of Mari Boine’s collaborators Georg Buljo played in one of Norway’s fines 90’s rock bands THE LOCOMOTIVES!
3. Pathfinder (1987)
Could you describe Norwegian cinema? Where is its place in your life?
I remember seeing this film when I was a kid. I remember it being a bit scary. Haven’t really seen it since then, I think. Maybe I should. I also remember a film called «Sigurd Dragedreper» which means Sigurd Dragon Slayer. That was a really cool film when I was a kid. You should see it. I’m not very into the Norwegian film world, I’m afraid. Haven’t really seen many of the newer ones. So, I can’t really tell you much about it. I really like the old Norwegian films, though. Like «Fjolls Til Fjells», «Bør Børson», «Mot I Brøstet», «Den Forsvundne Pølsemaker». They were more like theater. And of course «Flåklypa Grand Prix», the best Norwegian film ever! Of the new ones, you have to see «Trolljegeren» (The Troll Hunter). It’s great! I’m sure there are more, but like I said, I don’t really know anything.
4. An example of what your Swedish neighbors like:
Whats your favorite snack after returning from a drunk night out?
Wow, nice one. I’m not that into hot dogs OR shrimp, so not for me. When I lived in Oslo, I used to have some form of chicken wraps, with lots of jalapeños. There’s this one street in Oslo, where there are lots of kebab places, one after another, where we used to pick something up on our way home. I usually go for something hot, whether its tacos or chicken or whatever.
5. The Glomma:
You fish, right? What’s your favorite spot? Your favorite outfit? Favorite bait and favorite fish you tackle?
We love fishing, yes. Never tired fly-fishing, though. It’s just great standing there in silence. But, fishing is great. It’s just such a great way to relax, and just get lost in your own thoughts. Or not be thinking of anything, just get in this sort of trance. And you can sometimes actually see the fish coming up to the surface. I mostly release the fish back into the water, though. It’s just for the thrill of it. What we most of the time set out to find, my friend Eirik and I, are pike. It’s a scary fish, and there are a few in the rivers and lakes around here. Glomma runs through here, but our favorite river is the Flisa river. There are so many great spots, both fishing wise and nature wise. btw… look out for some fishing related TEAM ME plans around the corner.
6. Gino Paoli – ‘Vivere Ancora’
Since it’s getting cold outside: This is my favorite song, when autumn changing into winter needs a soundtrack. What’s yours?
Never heard Gino Paoli before. I can see the reference. I don’t think I could pick one song, but I have a few autumn/winter records that I usually put on around that time. I like me some «Love Is Hell» by RYAN ADAMS in the heavy, rainy autumn. «Kid A» by RADIOHEAD is also something I only listen to in the autumn, for doe reason. «Du och Jag Døden» by S band KENT is also an autumn delight. Around christmas I like to put on Joni Mitchell’s «Both Sides, Now».