The New Division

John Glenn Kunkel has been around for quite sometime in the music fields to be introduced for the first time. He’s been making music under his alias THE NEW DIVISION since 2006. What’s probably to introduce is Gemini, his third full-length album. Gemini comes as a gift to all of those people who believe that there is no good music out there. John, through THE NEW DIVISION takes us on trip where the past meets with the future and they make a big party out of it. We had the chance to have chat with THE NEW DIVISION and get an insight of this great producer who makes art.

How would you describe your music to our readers in one sentence?

Electronic new wave synthpop that’s both uplifting and dark simultaneously.

Which 5 tracks should start a mixtape to perfectly capture your musical influences?

DEPECHE MODENever Let Me Down Again
NEW ORDERAge of Consent
SODA STEREO – Ciudad De La Furia
U2Zoo Station

Describe your earliest musical memory.

When I was about 8 years old I recall watching MTV and seeing THE VERVE’s Bittersweet Symphony music video. Right then and there I knew I wanted to make music forever.

Would you rather be a dragon or have a dragon?

I think I’d rather have a dragon. Being a dragon would limit a lot of the stuff I enjoy doing on a regular basis.

If your music would score a movie what sort of movie would that be? What actors can you imagine playing in it?

It would most likely be a noir film based out in LA, involving killers and cops. I think the perfect actors for it would be Guy Pearce and Carrie-Anne Moss.

If this whole musician thing won’t workout – what would be your alternative dream job?

I think it would be a lot of fun to work in the video game industry, coming up with creative concepts for games, story lines, and so forth.

Tell us a mostly unknown artist we should definitely check out.

There’s this guy from Argentina, LEANDRO FRESCO, who makes amazing ambient and pop music.

The music industry is changing quite heavily these days. What’s the best and what’s the worst part of these changes, in your eyes?

The best part is that if you’re decent, you can get your music heard by quite a few people. The downside is that since everyone is making music now, it takes a lot more time to get to the quality material. There’s just a lot of fluff that isn’t very good.

What role play ‘hope’ and ‘passion’ in your life?

They play a huge role, particularly since we live in pretty rough times. Hope is what guides me to continue making the music that I love, and passion is what drives me to the finish line.