The Tablets - 2014

In early April the Brooklyn-based indie pop trio THE TABLETS released their self-titled debut album in Europe. Now their song Sugar Coated got a ‘European Exclusive Video’ (which hopefully also works in other parts of the world). The video was shot in early 2013, and directed by Austin Lynn Austin, who has worked extensively in MAC campaigns with a variety of artists such as Marilyn Minter and Beth Ditto. His video Green Pink Caviar for MARILYN MINTER has been projected in Times Square as well as used during MADONNA’s Sticky and Sweet tour. THE TABLETS’s front woman, Liz Godoy, has been the subject in previous music videos directed by Austin for other artists such as MANOUK, LUCINDA BLACK BEAR, and GODOY’s previous project THE FEARSOME SPARROW.

THE TABLETS were hesitant to have this be their first video, due to the fact that they feel it displays a heightened rock star version of the group, and worried they would not be able to convey their independent nature at such early stages but decided to get over their concerns, and recognize that music videos generally present the viewer with a heightened or distorted sense of reality, and this work by Austin is visually compelling without resorting to any form of extreme special effects or gimmicks, giving it’s due simplicity at the same time. Now the time has come: Sugar Coated premieres exclusively on NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION. Enjoy!
