THIS IS HEAD are on tour. This is day 4 of the band’s tourdiary on NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION.

this is head - tourdiary - day 4 - 1

We played Molotow in Hamburg.

this is head - tourdiary - day 4 - 2

We went for a walk before the gig and found the best park ever. It was like being in outer space.

this is head - tourdiary - day 4 - 3

Björn recorded a tiny flower with his Sony Walkman. It cried for help with a silly voice. Good material for the next album.

this is head - tourdiary - day 4 - 4

Henric is trying to be someone he is not.

this is head - tourdiary - day 4 - 5

After the gig we ended up in a smoky bar with great vibe. Now we’re off to Lübeck and will play Blauer Engel tonight.

See THIS IS HEAD’s complete Tourdiary