Vintertur - Avenir utan kant - artwork by Dan Isaac Wallin

Artwork by Dan Isaac Wallin

Cured is the fifth single from VINTERTUR‘s Projcet 2014. The project: 12 months – 12 singles – 12 artworks – 12 videos. With Cured the fifth single, and its video, now premieres on NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION. The video was show by Swedish photographer Dan Isaac Wallin and Danish artist Lukas Damgaard. The song itself was created in August 2011 in Provence, Southern France. As the title suggests Cured is part of the purification excursion that VINTERTUR did in the South of France. ‘Away from the hustle and bustle – alone within miles with only the scorching sun and tons of ice-cold rosé wine. This is the story behind ‘Cured’, which has now been 3 years in the making and finally has found its own sound and vibe.’ Enjoy!
