Photo by Charlie Chipman

Photo by Charlie Chipman

As we slowly but steady move towards the summer season there’s nothing wrong with sweet and gentle lo-fi indie-pop from the heart of the sunshine, aka Los Angeles, California. Dean Vivirito and Lexie Helgerson are the two-piece WHO CAN SLEEP and Falling Down is the name of one of their very first tunes which NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION is happy to unleash into the world today.

If you happen to love the sound of PJ HARVEY, THE WAR ON DRUGS of FLEETWOOD MAC you might be up for this gentle and sunny tune. And you really can’t deny a certain Stevie-Nicks-appeal of Mrs. Helgerson’s voice anyway, right. First shows by WHO CAN SLEEP are on its way, including a single release party in their hometown on Sunday. Get the current dates below after enjoying this sweet new piece of music.