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Musical Choreography: Marta Cascales Alimbau On the Expression of A Pianist

Barcelona-based pianist Marta Cascales Alimbau merges classical and contemporary influences. Forming part of the growing scene of young pianists, she explores the range of expression of the 88 keys. Ahead of the release of her single "The Space Between" as part of the piano days project, we met the artist in her hometown.

Black Swan Songs: Depeche Mode Gracefully Enter Their Final Stage On “Memento Mori”

Following a six-year long gap without new music and the traumatic loss of a band member, iconic dark wave pop veterans Depeche Mode enter their fifth decade as recording artists with a true testament of strength. However, one can’t help but wonder whether this is actually the end of their unique journey. Lifelong Depeche Mode fan Norman Fleischer takes a closer look at the band’s 15th studio album and the circumstances that come with its release.

Soft-Focus Safe Space: The Charming Confidence Of Florence Besch

With love and determination from Düsseldorf – the Luxembourgian songwriter just released a truly wonderful debut album with “Hi Now Hello”. And those who look beyond the warm melodies and playful guitar sounds will find a fascinating new artist who faces existential threats with the power of radical softness.

Landing Back on Earth: OY On “World Wide We” And Healing Through Music

On their new record "World Wide We", OY take their journey to Earth. The band examines political and structural problems and injustices as well as intimate emotions. Moving feet and minds, OY make music full of hope. This week we are introducing their new record and asked them a few questions about it.

Sonic Self-Portraiture: Nuha Ruby Ra On “Machine Like Me”

The unconventional artist Nuha Ruby Ra releases her second EP "Machine Like Me". A sonic experiment at its core, the music is driven by playfulness as well as the aim to deconstruct musical boundaries. We spoke to Nuha about the ideas behind the record and its making.

“Keeping The Faith In Life And In Love”: About The Retro-Tinged Folk Of Signe Marie Rustad

In a matter of reviving a classic songwriter spirit, Norwegian folk artist Signe Marie Rustad’s recent record turns a hopeful spirit into artistic courage and a nostalgic feel. For a new edition of our folk column we took the opportunity to chat her up and let her elaborate on the process, going into the tracks of her new record "Particles Of Faith" in detail. Make sure you also head into the playlist, which she co-curated with us for this occasion.

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