AURORA has stepped out of the dawn and into the bright sunlight with her latest record. On "The Gods We Can Touch" the artist and singer rediscovers a more playful side of herself. She spices synth-pop with themes of spirituality and reveals drawing inspiration from the flawed Gods of Greek Mythology in our interview ahead of the release.
Every Friday music fans are faced with the same burning question: What to listen to from the sheer endless sea of new albums, EPs and other releases? Don't worry, the people of NBHAP are here to help you with that. Our very own release roundup gives you a quick overview on the music that matters the most this week.
Cleverly timed nostalgia, a true second coming or just pure coincidence? Some of the most loved indie rock groups from the golden heydays of the early 21st century are set to return with new records this year. NBHAP head and original ‘survivor’ of the indie scene, Norman Fleischer, gives an overview of what to expect in the next months.
Restless artist Jamison Isaak returns with a new Teen Daze record and this time he takes his love for dreamy electronic sounds straight to the dancefloor, delivering an album full of funky grooves and nods to the sound that shaped him as a teenage. On top of our interview he also compiled a pretty epic playlist featuring some of his all-time favourites, so we kindly invite you to join us on one final disco adventure before the year ends.
Every Friday music fans are faced with the same burning question: What to listen to from the sheer endless sea of new albums, EPs and other releases? Don't worry, the people of NBHAP are here to help you with that. Our very own release roundup gives you a quick overview on the music that matters the most this week.
Another year goes by and it was... well, definitely different than the last one but still quite weird. The second consecutive Covid year was a rollercoaster ride of emotions where hope and despair went hand in hand and we're surely finished yet. Luckily, this resulted in quite outstanding musical releases which gave us much needed comfort and distraction in these difficult times. Today, we're honouring the fifty records that meant the most to us in the past twelve months.
It's been a turbulent and confusing year in many ways. But there's one thing the second pandemic year in a row hasn't been lacking of: plenty of good music to get us through these months of uncertainty between hope and despair. And for those of you who might have lost track in the daily storm of new releases we got you covered once again with a mighty list that includes those tracks that we'll connect with 2021 forever
Bubbling, hypermodern production paired with razorblade emotional edge is what you can expect from "WKM", the new single from Denmark's J. Ludvig III. Catch it now in our newcomer playlist along with songs from Anaïs, Bad Idea, Kindsight, Mystic Peach and others.
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