The JA JA JA artists in October: Astrid S., First Hate and Manna
The end of the summer is apparent now – we’re freezing again, it’s darker than it used to be and our skin is already growing pale. But the good thing is: Nights are getting longer, thus, there’s more time to party, right? With its first edition in September, the beloved Ja Ja Ja Club Night returned for a second season in Germany, now we’re all set up for the October edition. Once again NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION teams up with the folks from FluxFM to bring you up and coming acts from the North right into the heart of Berlin. And even better, the event expands to Hamburg as well this year so there’s even more spotlight for these young and talented folks. Find more details on the whole event right here and full ticket infos at the bottom of the article. And on top of it – we’re giving away 3×2 tickets for the events. Just send a mail to with the subject ‘JaJaJa’, your full name and the city of your choice.
But now it’s time to present you the music and people behind the Ja Ja Ja edition in October. Norwegian shooting star ASTRID S is joining us together with the duo FIRST HATE from Copenhagen and the Finnish chanteuse MANNA. This is how they sound and what they got to say.
Astrid S (NO)
What can we expect from your performance at the Ja Ja Ja club night?
A fantastic night with by band! We are doing a tour in Norway now and I can’t wait to go to Germany. We are playing a lots of new music, I don’t know what we will release but it’s good to try out different things and see how the audience will react.
What has been your best and also your most frustrating moment in your life as an artist so far?
I think the best for me is when I have music to release. Its just cool to see something you have been working on with a long time, being out there and get feedback from the audience. The most frustrating moment for me is more when I hear that there is something I can’t do or that’s impossible. I think the more you push yourself and the people around you, the more you can achieve.
Unleash your inner Burt Bacharach and complete the following sentence… ‘What the world needs now is…’
Norwegian milkchocolate! It’s the best!
We are all about hope and passion – what two elements define your artistic work?
Heart and being in the moment!
First Hate (DK)
Name a stereotype about your country that is actually true, according to your experience.
Copenhagen at night is like a fairytale.
Name three songs that should not be absent from your personal ‘Nordic Music Playlist’
ARGOT – Boys Idolizing Girls
SAND CIRCLES – Endless Nights
CTM – Jewel
What can we expect from your performance at the Ja Ja Ja club night?’
It could potentially be a night to remember forever.
What has been your best and also your most frustrating moment in your life as an artist so far?
We are usually just the two of us when travelling around. Once we played in Gdansk we were quite drunk when we got back to the hotel, and ended up in the hotel sauna pooring half a bottle of vodka on the grill. And celebrating our friendship. That was a good night.
Not sure about the most frustrating moment, maybe when a booker in Tallinn didn’t pay us any of the money he promised us and we went home with a large minus in our bank accounts.
Unleash your inner Burt Bacharach and complete the following sentence… ‘What the world needs now is…’
We are all about hope and passion – what two elements define your artistic work?
Joakim Nørrgard and Anton Falck Gansted, its like yin and yang one can’t exist without the other.
Name a stereotype about your country that is actually true, according to your experience.
The people’s and the country’s general atmosphere is melancholy. That is definitely not just a myth but a stone cold fact. It can be beautiful in it’s bleakness though.
Name three songs that should not be absent from your personal ‘Nordic Music Playlist’
DUNGEN – Du är för fint för mig and
FIRST AID KIT – King of the world.
What can we expect from your performance at the Ja Ja Ja club night?’
A very stripped and acoustic duo set with just me and my guitarist. My new album Blackbird has a very unproduced and bare feel to it and I felt that live, the songs suited the same sound instead of a bigger band I’ve been used to perform with.
What has been your best and also your most frustrating moment in your life as an artist so far?
I love and hate it the same time. I demand a certain honesty in everything I produce musically, so it’s also a very personal thing for me, not just a performance. That makes me a bit vulnerable doing
what I do, but at the same time it is the value and what makes it real for me and hopefully for others too.
Unleash your inner Burt Bacharach and complete the following sentence… ‘What the world needs now is…’
I gonna go all hippie here and just say: love, warmth and caring instead of greed, selfie sticks and silicone!
We are all about hope and passion – what two elements define your artistic work?
Well, you know, I have a previous album called: Songs of hope and desire, so not alone does that answer your question but I guess I’m down with your style also.
NBHAP & FluxFM presents Ja Ja Ja Club Night
Hamburg. Wednesday, October 7th, 2015 (Molotow)
Pre-Sale: 5€ (JaJaJa member) / 7€ (non-member)
Sign up for membership | Get tickets | RVSP on Facebook
Berlin. Thursday, October 8th, 2015 (Fluxbau)
Pre-Sale: 5€ (JaJaJa member) / 7€ (non-member)
Sign up for membership | Get tickets | RVSP on Facebook