BIG BLACK DELTA – Big Black Delta
01. Put The Gun On The Floor
02. Side Of The Road
03. Huggin & Kissin
04. Capsize
05. Money Rain Down
06. Betamax
07. The Zebrah
09. X22
10. Dreary Moon
11. PB3
11. Into the Night
11. Love You This Summer>
Now this is an interesting one. Here’s a man who knows how to write a hook alright. His perfect recipe of synth pop mayhem underlined by some assaying vocals and even a gospel choir drives us crazy. Case in point: BIG BLACK DELTA alias Jonathan Bates’ brand new long player Big Black Delta is a furious slice of synth-pop. It is big, infectious and danceable, yet, still creating some truly immersive tracks.
It wouldn’t be surprising if the record’s second track Side Of The Road were on every single music blog’s 2013 playlist by the end of the year, or has its place in the standard repertoire of most indie DJ’s. Because this classic sounding electro track with its characteristic 80s snare definitely has great potential to get a good deal of people to fill the dance floors and sing along. Also, first single IFUCKINGLOVEYOU is definitely the stand-out track. It holds no punches. It literally pushes you off your couch and makes you want to put on your rock attire.
There are little intricacies that fill out each song and give them their own personality. But mostly Bates loves his snares. “Snare tones are more important than guitar tones,” he explains in an interview. “It’s amazing how one simple sound can change everything, but using just that one tone can make a song sound like it comes from the 80s.” That must be why Betamax, this light-headed song, is the most catchy of them all. Don’t you agree?
Much different, PB3, which is probably the record’s most ambient and mellow track, reminding one of Bates’ times with M83. It denies any sort of help from vocals, percussions or guitars and leaves the listener’s imagination only with some pretty dreamy synths. It probably wouldn’t hurt if it were a couple of minutes shorter, but it’s also kind of pleasant to have some time for yourself after you’ve been dancing so much to the other tracks.
As you’d expect the approaching of summer requires a suitable soundtrack. And after a few spins there is no doubt left that Big Black Delta does not disappoint. Hit repeat.
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