BOMBEE at the Weltcho in Chemnitz
(Photo by Gladsome Fotografie)
Last weekend NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION had the honor of bringing the German bands BOMBEE and MONOPHONA for a concert night at the intimate local Prince Charles in Berlin.
Opening the show with Monophona as a warm up, totally fresh band, based in Berlin consisting of Claudine (vocals, guitars, keys), Jorsch (drums and percussion) and Chook (production) dressed in black a modest band appeared on the stage.
A singer with a great passion for the acustic guitar, playing clinging, catchy tunes and at times she left the microphone while singing, closing her eyes and manage to take the guitar and vocals outside the speakers.
Floating rythms and indie-electro that created a rhythm in the audience’s body. Starting out softly and slowly building up to harder drums and guitar and in the beginning of the show they covering Everyday Like Sunday by MORRISSEY definatly carried the audience away.
After MONOPHONA finished the concert, BOMBEE enters the stage, the act we all were waiting for. They are now on a big tour and stopped by Berlin to play at Prince Charles. A tour to present the upcoming EP Aurelia that is out for listenig in October via Snowhite.
Alexander Seypt on vocals enter the stage with a peaceful look in his face. Standing still, closing his eyes and start singing. After MONOPHONA warmed up, the audience was ready for concert number two this Saturday night in Berlin. His voice could remind of a mix between WOODKID and ANTHONY & THE JOHNSONS A great build up startet tranquil and eventually building up to a more dramatic scenery with drums and a deep bass.
The moment everyone was waiting for was their newest release Momo were Alexander Seypt is singin about his 15 months old niece.
With mixing with electro, pop, indie and deep bass the show had catchy, floating tunes with beautiful piano in the background well-written lyrics to his niese, melted the audience. People were moving to the rythms. It wasn’t that boring.
A song from the heart and absolutly a impressing teaser for their new album coming up, but not forget about the other songs. After Momo and the rest of the concert, the excitement for the new record is just growing and growing. Luckly it’s not a too long to wait to October.