CSS – Planta
01. Honey
02. Hangover
03. Into The Sun
04. Girlfriend
05. Dynamite
06. Sweet
07. Too hot
08. Teenage Tiger Cat
09. Frankie Goes To North Hollywood
10. The Hangout
11. Faith In Love
You simply can’t take CANSEI DE SER SEXY alias CSS serious- not even after their fourth record Planta. They still seem to make a joke out of everything. Just take their newest idea to promote the album- they made a seven minutes long video where they present their own Makeover program. Of course the show is totally exaggerated and kind of ridiculous. And they still use weird song titles as for example Frankie Goes To North Hollywood. It feels like CSS never grow up. Even the depart of the multiinstrumenalist Adriano Cintra in the year 2011 didn’t change anything about their childish and punky attitude. It only turned them into a full female band.
Planta doesn’t seem to be a thrilling album. The lyrics are quite boring- teenage partying is the bands subject number one. „Everyone is partying forever“ sings CSS’s singer Lovefoxxx( by the way- not even a serious name) in the punky, almost rapped and somehow annoying first single Hangover. Pretty cursory. You can say that there are ups and downs on the record. Honey– a catchy pop which that features a swinging electro beat- the slightly dubstep inspired Wild Flowers where Lovefoxxx voice isn’t that intrusively and the last song Faith In Love – a slow ballad which doesn’t reallt fit on the album – are definitely the ups. Dynamite with its exaggerated synths and Lovefoxxxs kind of annoying voice belongs to the downs – as wells as the weird Frankie Goes To North Hollywood. The remaining songs aren’t really noteworthy.
Actually, after recording their new album in Los Angeles and working together with TV ON THE RADIO‘s producer Dave Sitek you’d have expected more from CSS than just a superficial party record. But Planta is unfortunately not more than that. Nothing of it remains in your head after. It’s time for the band now to grow up and create serious records – otherwise they’ll be forgotten really quickly.