Sweet is an adjective that rarely applies in connection to the realm of singer-songwriter music, but in the case of Burnley-bred artist Sprout, there is almost no way around that expression – if you have any doubts, please go listen to their just-released self-titled EP, which is a marvel in its own right. A collection of vintage-tinged songs wrapped in fun and flashing costumes, that glossy first impression is just the surface over spaces of tender sentiment, human ambiguity, sadness and joy waiting to be uncovered and cherished in the most unique way.

“This EP is a collection of thoughts, feelings, and silliness all wrapped up in a big colourful costume box. “Although I’m very happy to be putting the music out for people to hear, really it was a cluster of things made just for me, by me, and plastered together with best friends, comfy couches, and a lot of love. I hope some people can find a little bit of comfort in the sadness and madness that I did.”


Though the retro aesthetic is a trademark of their style, the six tracks have a particular air of breezy vigour. Self-described as a “genderless blob of emotion”, Meg Grooters’ love for music goes back to the storytelling influence of their mum, alongside the strong impact of the musical community of the folky-bluesy background of Colne back in Lancashire. That nostalgic aura surely found its way into the songs of the self-titled debut EP, aside from channeling cheery and graceful nods to jazz icons such as Ella Fitzgerald and Billie Holiday.

Every Monday the treasure hunt squad from the NBHAP staff is bringing an exciting new artist to your attention along with a 30-track-strong Introducing Playlist over on Spotify as we add ten strong songs by fresh acts on top of it. Feel invited to follow the playlist and give these talents a good spin.

Aside from Sprout, this week’s picks include tracks from artists like Matilda Mann, Lizzie Reid, Marta Knight, Companion and many more. Come and hit the play button.