PTTRNS – Body Pressure
1. Healing
2. Dialed In
3. Strong Talk
4. Resonate
5. Mature Nature
6. Dice
7. True Journalism
8. Unresolved
In 2010 a more or less unknown band named PTTRNS released their first album Science Piñata, a strong and partly rough record with a noisy sound between post punk and new wave. This debut was full of energy, it was driving, thrilling but above all it was highly danceable. In 2013 PTTRNS are surprisingly back, with a fantastic new album that enchants from first to last, with a bunch of new sounds and some unexpected but logical changes. But what exactly happened?
Firstly the band released two more EPs, each with a new original song and a remix of one track from Science Piñata on the b side. Those two parts of the so called Love Quest series carefully showed an advancement in style. The band successfully added elements of afro beat and dub and with the remixes their songs got a more electronic face. Fortunately this happened without loosing their special energy and directness so those EPs were an interesting issue for fans as well as DJ’s. Now their new release Body Pressure carries on this way of complexity and musical enthusiasm. With a pinch of TALKING HEADS like 80s pop and some tricky math rock breaks it can satisfy both fans of the unconventional song structures and experimental sounds and those people who love the energetic shows and just like to dance. Body Pressure was produced with VON SPAR drummer Jan Philip Janzen in Cologne and leaves a straight and homogeneous impression after the first listenings but also with a singularity in all the eight songs.
The opener Healing starts a bit dreamy but quickly grooves itself into a shimmering house tune with cowbells and a rebellious bass. Its followed by Dialed In and Strong Talk which were both already released with two beautiful videos. With Mature Nature the darker side shows up and gives a look into a hypnotic ambient track with a whispering choir. After this short excursion the album comes back to a sound full of rhythm and soul, with a small focus on percussion and some nice synthies in there. Unresolved breaks down the whole thing and turns into a trancelike trip with straight marching drums until it fades out.
In 2010 PTTRNS described their eclectic and feverish workflow with the statement “everyone plays everything”. Today they sound like a strict band structure more than ever before, every instrument has its slot and additionally the several vocal parts ease these complex soundscapes. PTTRNS show an interesting transformation while they evolve their whole talent in this kind of music, their new record is maybe one of the most interesting albums of this year.