Earlier this year, one of our most favorite artists, Mr. Brian Batz, reported back with some talkative impressions about an upcoming release of his project SLEEP PARTY PEOPLE, for which we are very excited already. The man behind the bunny-mask and his moniker SLEEP PARTY PEOPLE won our hearts and minds from the start with their multi-layered dreampop-arrangements, especially on the impressive last longplayer WE WERE DRIFTING ON A SAD SONG from 2012. An album, which is far too good to be forgotten and therefore predestined for a little rediscovery here and there. So we are glad and proud to present to you the premiere of a stunning new video for the record’s floating and ambient track Heaven Is Above Us. The clip has been arranged by Turkish video artist and musician VOLKAN ERGEN and there’s no doubt about how artfully he caught the atmosphere of this beautiful piece of music. And, of course, there are some bunnies in it. Take a glimpse right here, relax and we’ll leave it to you wether you feel like falling or you feel like flying.