TheInnovationOfLonelinessHow did you get to this page? Was it Google? Facebook? Did somebody tweetet about it? And how will you react on this? Will you post it on your social networks, sharing it with the world. Maybe to raise attention for the content – or is it to represent your reflective persona? Our world decided to use social networks and its various platforms on a daily basis, as an integral part of our lives. We embrace it, we love it. We tweet, we share, we like. And we want people to like it. We’re staging photos with filters and perfect angles. We want the people to comment on our new haircut, on our amazing weekend and the track we just posted. We want them to know where we are and with who we partied last weekend. There’s no secret.

It’s almost ridiculous when you reflect on these aspects as we’re facing the whole affair around whistleblower Edward Snowden. But we all – and of course NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION uses these networks as well – decided to let it happen. We all agreed on following the path, at least a majority of us. But it’s not only the lack of data security that is interesting, it’s also the way how the acting in social media networks changes our human nature. And it the end we’re facing a strange loneliness after all.

This fascinating little film by Shimi Cohen was his final project at Shenkar College of Engineering and Design. Inspired by the article The Invention of Being Lonely by Dr. Yair Amichai-Hamburger it shows how social media influences our every day life on a level not everybody is aware of. Interesting revelations that might not change the world or our behaviour but it can help you reflecting your actions in the world wide web. Always be aware of your actions.

Find more work by Shimi Cohen on Vimeo