BATTLES have always been a special band, no matter if it was for their music, the artwork, their mesmerizing live performance and their music videos. The trio’s latest music video for The Yabba underlines their unique talent and is one of those rare clips that really understand how to showcase the art form that a music video can be if it is done right.
Why Should I Watch This?
Okay, where should we begin? Director Roger Guàrdia delivers truly hypnotizing work that makes it kind of hard for the listener to resist those images. Although it includes elements of a traditional performance clip it goes way beyond that, mixing it with a mysterious girl and a basketball, BATTLES performing in front of a motionless crowd or just making themselves a glass of orange juice. Technical perfection meets physical urgency, to call it that way. The band showcases its nerdy side and playfulness while also presenting themselves as a rough live band. Great camera work and a wonderful combination of sound and visuals. What more can a music video lover ask for?
Anything Else?
The long awaited new BATTLES full-length La Di Da Di arrives on September 18 via Warp Records. And we surely can expect a challenging listening experience from it.