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Liv Toerkell

Latest articles by Liv

Afra Kane on Breaking Boundaries And Embracing Imperfection

The singer and pianist Afra Kane does not want to be put into a box. In her new record "Could We Be Whole" she draws from her background in classical music and Nigerian gospel but breaks their boundaries to create something new. We spoke to the artist about what freedom means to her and embracing imperfections.
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“We Won’t Disappear”: Jamila Al-Yousef On the Sounds of Palestinian Resistance

Falasteen Weyn Ana? Palestine where am I? - that is the translation of the Arabic title of Jamila & The Other Heroes' record. Released in May 2023, the title took on a new meaning since the ongoing Israeli bombardment of Gaza after the attacks by Hamas on October 7th. We speak to Jamila Al-Yousef, singer, co-composer and lyricist of the band, about Palestinian resistance, protest music, and the repressions Palestinians face in Germany.
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Breaking and Distorting the Norms of Tradition with Ana Lua Caiano

Ana Lua Caiano is a Portuguese musician, composer and digital artist. On her recent EP "Se Dançer É Só Depois", she plays with traditional rhythms and vocals merged with electronic experimentation. In this QnA, Ana Lua Caiano explores the meaning of tradition and political music from her perspective as a contemporary artist.
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