Comaduster - Hollow WorldsChicago-based label Tympanik is clearly one of the finest adresses when it comes to high quality IDM, industrial or dubstep music. We’ve had quite a few great tunes and acts in the past – COMADUSTER might be the next one.

The Canadian producer just released is new album Hollow Worlds and according to the label we can find “a proficient balance of bass-heavy beats, gushing synth melodies, taut rhythmic structures, and absorbing lyrics with humanistic vocals to match” on it. Although we didn’t had the chance yet to listen to it, his track The Send Off already shows that this description might not be the worst choice for COMADUSTER.

A track like a storm in the night – highly emotional vocals teamp up with heavy and tender electronic sounds, creating a dynamic but also slightly introspective feeling. This is something quite catchy and without any doubt the perfect sound of the night today.