Photo by Tonje Thilesen

Who is it?

GRANDBROTHERS is a duo from Düsseldorf who only use a single grand piano to create mesmerizing and groovy sonic landscapes. They engineered their own electromagnetic system to fully embrace the sound they have in mind:

‘There are hammers I control, which hit different parts to make beats and percussive patterns. In the beginning, I just used an open circuit board I’d constructed without a proper case. It was very fragile and often didn’t work. We always had a soldering-iron when we played live.’

Why should you listen to it?

Their first LP, titled Dilation, was a critically acclaimed success – we recommend you to give it a try if you haven’t already. They’re still very niche but no doubts they’re going to grow quite fast next year. The work around the video for Bloodflow is equally amazing.

What’s next?

Their new LP is titled Open and is due to be released on october 20th via City Slang, so expect more neo-classical bliss once the fall arrives.

Everyday we’re adding NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION‘s Daily Tune to our ongoing Spotify playlist, packed with all the hidden treasures by those talented newcomers you need to know. Listen and follow right here.