The current phase of self isolation is forcing us to be creative, kill some time and maybe also do something we've never done before. Listening to music can be a great way of coping with the situation and we decided to make a little challenge out of it. Tine from our marketing department, for example, took the quarantine to rediscover a band that she once liked a lot but lost track over the years. Here's her report about facing Editors once again.
Cleverly timed nostalgia, a true second coming or just pure coincidence? Some of the most loved indie rock groups from the golden heydays of the early 21st century are set to return with new records this year. NBHAP head and original ‘survivor’ of the indie scene, Norman Fleischer, gives an overview of what to expect in the next months.
It became an ongoing tradition on NBHAP to have all those 'End-Of-The-Year'-lists followed by an outlook of what lies ahead of us. So, buckle up and take a closer look what (hopefully) great albums might happen to us over the course of the next months.