Influential british producer FOUR TET has just released a new album titled Randoms on its bandcamp page. In fact, it’s not really a new album as you might have already heard the tracks on it from various spontaneous releases on compilations FOUR TET took part in. Then why did he have to compile it? Kieran Hebden (real name) adresses that:
‘Over the years there have been some pieces of music that I have made specially for compilation projects or have ended being released only as part of a compilation album,” he explains in a lengthier post on Bandcamp. “As time passes I look back at this music and find the context it was originally put in often feels a bit random now. So I have put together this new album called ‘Randoms’ that brings together this music in a different way. The oldest track here is ‘Field’ from 1996, the first Four Tet track ever released on Leaf Records Invisible Soundtracks compilation. The most recent is ‘Gillie Amma I Love You’ which was made for a charity project called BOATS in 2013. All the tracks here have been released before and I am sure some internet searching will give you the full details if you are interested. Thank you to everyone who originally commissioned and released this music. The artwork for this was made by Jason Evans.’
The good news is that it is free and it is really good quality. What do you wait for?