Gossip Culture - WaitingA smooth ride along sunset boulevard? A funky night out in an 80s night club? The shimmering neon lights of the city? Every possible scenario comes to our mind while Waiting is playing. The song is the brand new single by young American producer Ryan Sheridan and his alter ego GOSSIP CULTURE. You might remember last year’s smooth Just Fine With You and he also made it onto our free Nothing But … Indie-Pop sampler back then.

Now, it’s good to see Mr. Sheridan back in form with his funky new single Waiting, a collaboration with Quincy McGray. And it clearly sounds like GOSSIP CULTURE took a big step forward in terms of production standards and hit quality. This is music that doesn’t need to be scared of bands like HOLY GHOST! or PHOENIX. This is soulful and sunny power pop dedicated to celebrate life and love. And it’s the perfect sound of the day on this sunny Thursday. Tune in and join the ride wherever you are.
