MOBY remixed iamamiwhoami’s song “Y”
iamamiwhoami is a phenomenon. A mysterious and wonderful act that somehow knows how to fascinate millions of people. And they even got MOBY to love them. How? He just fell in love. And he did a remix of their song Y which is named “Sound of the Day”.
MOBY states:
“I first heard iamamiwhoami at a restaurant in london a few years ago. After hearing them I emailed my manager, eric, and asked ‘have you heard of this band iamamiwhoami?’ and he wrote back, ‘yes, we manage them’.
When they asked me to do a remix for them I happily said ‘yes’, as I’m a fan of theirs. and when I heard the song they wanted me to remix I realized that I didn’t want to deconstruct it and change it, but rather just add melodic and structural elements to it, to enhance what they’d already done.”
iamamiwhoami – “Y” (MOBY Remix)
iamamiwhoami‘s new album bounty will be released on June 3rd via To Whom It May Concern / Co-operative Music. It is the audiovisual prologue of iamamiwhoami‘s debut audiovisual release kin. The album consists of nine songs and nine visual chapters and is released on CD/DVD and LP/DVD. The creator and front person Jonna Lee describes bounty as “the project’s origin and growth into what it is today”. Y is the first single off bounty. Watch the video to the song right here:
Furthermore also JOE GODDARD did a remix on >iamamiwhoami‘s Y:
iamamiwhoami – “Y” (JOE GODDARD Remix)