Photo by Rasmus Weng Karlsen
Danish rock duo REPTILE YOUTH continues their ambitious project to release a music video for every song from their self-titled 2012 debut album. It’s ten different directors for ten ten different clips. We already got the A Flesh In The Forest clip earlier this year, now Mads Damsgaard Kristiansen and Esben Valløe present us one for the pumping track Heart Blood Beat.
The video is part of an art experiment presenting a story told in three different ways with using three different outputs – a videoinstallation, a shortfilm and a musicvideo. Director Lil Wachmann presents vintage looking video material that was heavily influenced by her own childhood as a 90s kid. Wachmann on the look: “I sense some kind of mutual feel in my generation. I’m still not sure what – that’s what I’m investigating in my videos. It’s some sort of numbness towards the outworld and at the same time a feeling of restlessness, because there’s nothing to fight for. Nowhere.” NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION is quite happy to bring you the premiere of the new REPTILE YOUTH clip right here, right now.