Twelve months of great musical releases have passed and at the end of it it's time to recap the best of them like we always do when then the year is about to close its curtain. So, without further ado please find the fifty albums that impressed us the most during the past 12 months right here and feel happily invited to fall in love with those brilliant records as well.
Reflection time, girls and boys. As the year is heading for its final moments we take a moment to look back on the best songs of 2019. These are the fifty tunes you should definitely know before this decade ends, so hurry up and have a listen.
It's been a turbulent and confusing year in many ways. But there's one thing the second pandemic year in a row hasn't been lacking of: plenty of good music to get us through these months of uncertainty between hope and despair. And for those of you who might have lost track in the daily storm of new releases we got you covered once again with a mighty list that includes those tracks that we'll connect with 2021 forever