Photo by Elin BergePhoto by Elin Berge
THE KNIFE, the sister and brother from Sweden, Karin Dreijer Andersson and Olof Dreijer, started up as an electro duo in 1999 and this year they released their fourth album, Shaking The Habitual.
THE KNIFE, is not just a “normal” band, they also make short films, deliver live shows with as much theatrical performance as music, and use their music to share political statements, like their latest album Shaking The Habitual. is about fighting for the housing rights for the people in Rome.
They are known for their dark, futuristic, ambient electronic music and in this fresh music video Let’s Talk About Gender Baby, Let’s Talk About You And Me. they show lips loaded in makeup, crazy visuals and bringing back the kaleidoscope inspired by SALT´N´PEPA´s song Let`s talk about sex.