The Slow Show - Press 2015

They’ve released one of the most exciting debut albums we’ve heard in a long time, they’ve been growing a decent fan base recently and they manage rarely achieved things like translating the Mancunian spirit into epic Americana. As a loyal reader of our little magazine you probably already figured that we fell for the music of newcomer band THE SLOW SHOW. After we did do their music the talking for a while, we are now interested in the band’s perspectives on a few things. Read our little Introducing with THE SLOW SHOW right here and learn about why it’s good to slow down from time to time, the benefits of chocolate thooth paste and what it means to be a musician in Manchester.

Why is it better to take things slower these days?
Slowing things down can give you a perspective and context that you don’t have when you’re moving quickly. Musically I think it’s important to take as much in as possible, give things time to grow and evolve. Sometimes it’s instant sometimes it isn’t, embracing both sides of the spectrum just gives you more music. Moving too quickly can make you miss some of the best stuff!

Describe your debut album in three words.
Emotive, honest, hopeful.

Would you rather be a dragon or have a dragon?
Be one! Having one in Manchester seems a bit cruel.

Manchester is famous for many legendary artists and bands. Which is your favourite one and why?
Manchester music is always moving forward. We’re very proud to be a Manchester band and love its musical past but I think I’d go for a new Manchester band… GOGO PENGUIN are friends of ours, they make beautiful music and are certainly carrying the torch for our wonderful city at the moment.

If you as a group could have an alternative job – what would it be?
If we weren’t musicians I think we’d be inventors. Life on the road has given us lots of time to invent… Favourites so far are chocolate tooth paste for kids and cheese advent calendars for adults?

Rob, when was the first time you ‘discovered’ you baritone and that way of singing?
I’d never sang in a band before, THE SLOW SHOW was the first. For me the idea was always to get someone else to front the band once we’d written a few songs but we never got round to it! The baritone thing was just the most natural place for me. Some of the early recordings sound a little different vocally, I was definitely finding my feet for a while. Singing for me is purely a means of getting an emotion across, the voice is always serving the song.

The music and culture industry is currently about to redefine itself on many levels. Do you feel like being completely and utterly at the its mercy, or should things be seen as a chance for artists?
The music ‘industry’ is a strangely unique place! One we’re probably not overly comfortable in, which is why having a label like Haldern Pop is so important to us. They love music, they’re lovely people and they support and encourage us to make the best music we possibly can…we’re very happy and very grateful. This relationship is a privileged one for us but we realise it’s not always as healthy for other artists!

What does the words ‘hope’ and ‘passion’ mean to you?
Hope and passion to me means having something to believe in and pursuing it with love and conviction. Music has always given me both but it could be anything. I think you’re very lucky when you find it.

NBHAP presents: The Slow Show live

21.05.2015 – DE – Cologne – Luxor
22.05.2015 – DE – Haldern – Haldern Pop Bar
23.05.2015 – DE – Dortmund – Way Back When Festival
24.05.2015 – DE – Beverungen – Orange Blossom Festival
25.05.2015 – DE – Hamburg – Prinzenbar
26.05.2015 – DE – BerlinPrivatclub
27.05.2015 – DE – Dresden – Beatpol
29.05.2015 – DE – Munich – Strom