
The anticipated third studio album by THE XX has been in the making for quite some time. After a short interruption following JAMIE XX‘s highly praised solo debut In Colour the group is now back together, finishing the follow-up to 2012’s Coexist for a potential release next year. In a short statement they also say: ‘it feels so good to be together making new music.’

They also released a playlist featuring their current favourite studio hits as well as the photo above. And good news for those of you who are living in Eastern Europe and Japan: THE XX return to selected cities next month. Find the entire list of tour dates below and get excited for one of 2017’s most anticipated releases.

Ein von The xx (@thexx) gepostetes Foto am

UPDATE 03/11/2016: The group continues to add new music to their Spotify-Playlist and the latest entry is a mysterious barely 55 seconds long piece of ambient sounds that could be a first hint on new music by THE XX. If you listen closely enough that might actually be the case, right? Teasing your album via a playlist? Well, there’s a first time for everything, we must say.

UPDATE 07/11/2016: A few days later and another teaser arrives as opening track of their playlist. Again, we get 55 seconds of cinematic teasing, drenched in reverb and spreading a certain Twin Peaks vibe. Check out the latest update below.