View - Laces

Photo by Miika Laihi

The proverb states that too many cooks spoil the broth, but the three artists squeezed into this track go a long way to disproving that theory. VIEW is a Finnish rapper who recently got his Helsinki buddies, pop duo LCMDF, to chip in on his track Lace, the third single from his Avalon EP. And now fellow Finn SOMEPOE has decided to rework the track, which we’re delighted to première on NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION.

The original track oscillated between the rumbling verses and the more tightly-strung pitch of the chorus, and it’s the latter that SOMEPOE decides to focus on in this remix. It’s boosted and given more of a whallop, gracing the track with an extra helping of groove and making it more dancefloor ready, albeit still pretty firming embedded in chillwave territory.

Check it out below, and VIEW‘s Avalon EP is out now.