Photo by Jibber

Photo by Jibber

Following a slowly but steady growing buzz over the past months, it looks like London-based three-piece YAK is finally ready to make an impact on a bigger scale. The band just announced the release of their debut full-length Alas Salavation for May 13, accompanied by the music video for the furious opening track Victorious (National Anthem). And that piece got everybody we’ve missed in British independent rock for a long time: uncompromising, raw, snotty and only two minutes long. Together with the band’s already legendary appetite for self-destruction during their live shows this marks one of the most exciting new bands from the United Kingdom in a while.

And it looks like we can expect more of such material as YAK frontman Oli Burslem explains the intentions for the debut album: ‘I was trying to make it a slightly schizophrenic record that had all these different elements, but had so much of everything that by the end it would all just be lost and everybody would be like, ‘What the hell was that? I don’t know what that was, but I kind of enjoyed it.’
Catch them on a show soon as you can find the dates below the sweet new lo-fi music video for Victorious (National Anthem) right here.