Hey Ocean - Seven SongsOkay, this is a slightly false labelling this time. While NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION usually asks bands to contribute seven of their favourite songs for this category, Canadian HEY OCEAN! takes it a bit further. Same right for everybody and so Ashleigh Ball, David Vertesi and David Beckingham decided to contribute 21 songs for our special, seven for each band member. Well, the more music for us. And in case of the Vancouver indie-based trio this works quite well as opportunity to get an insight into the diversified influences from these lovely lads. We’re also happy to have them back on German stages soon, presented by NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION. Find the tourdates under the band’s latest joyful video Make A New Dance Up as well as the song selection of HEY OCEAN!.

02.12.13 Hamburg @ Logo
03.12.13 Frankfurt @ Nachtleben
04.12.13 Stuttgart @ Kellerklub
05.12.13 Cologne @ MTC
06.12.13 Berlin @ Bi Nuu


ASHLEIGH BALL – “My seven feel good songs I love”

01. MY MORNING JACKET – “Wordless Chorus”

This song is my alarm clock. I wake up to it and it puts me in a good mood.
It makes me think of dancing at a music festival in the sun.


02. LITTLE DRAGON – “Crystalfilm”

This song is infectiously good. I can’t not start moving my shoulders when I hear it. The video is spooky… scarecrows man, they are freaky.


03. BOMBAY BICYCLE CLUB – “Lights Out, Words Gone”

This song makes me remember being on a boat in the summer on a very grey day. But then the sun finally broke through the clouds at the last moment and there was the most amazing, electric sunset you have ever seen. The video is rad too!


04. THE DIRTY PROJECTORS – “Stillness is the move”

The guitars at the beginning get you hooked… Then that voice! This is my jam. Love this band and all there intricacies.


05. TUNE-YARDS – “Bizness”

This woman is Magic. It’s like if Nina Simone & Bobby McFerrin had a white baby!


06. HAIM – “Forever”

You can’t deny this groove. its undeniable. I have two sisters and we all used to sing together… so i love this band. New school Wilson Phillips. Yes!


07. TOPLESS – “Danger Love”

These are my friends. this song and video make me happier than you can imagine.


DAVE VERTESI – “Seven songs I’m currently listening to”

01. JAKE BUGG – “Simple As This”

This whole record is amazing, but this song stands out to me. It transports you to another place and time… namely Bob Dylan’s house in the 60’s.

02. LONDON GRAMMAR – “Strong”

This girl has a really powerful and compelling voice. Add the minimalistic production and I get goosebumps.

03. DRAKE – “Started From The Bottom”

This is an anthem. It took me a bit to get into this song, but now I’m obsessed. I just love Drake. Canadian rap FTW.


04. ARCTIC MONKEYS – “Do I Wanna Know”

It’s really nice to see a band shift gears into something different. Sounds grimy and new.

05. SHAD – “Stylin'”

Another Canadian rapper with a new album out this fall. Shad is a good friend and an incredible emcee. His flow on this track is jaw dropping and smile inducing.

06.KATY PERRY – “Roar”

A guilty pleasure.


07. ROYAL CANOE – “Exodus Of The Year”

A great Canadian band. Aside from just being an amazing song it’s inspiring that the intricate production was all recorded at home.


DAVE BECKINGHAM – “Seven songs from my childhood, which were hugely influential in different ways.”


01. PHIL COLLINS – “Another Day in Paradise”

This song was one of my dad’s favorites when I was about 7 years old. I remember him explaining the lyrics to me with such emphasis on how important the message of the song was.


02. ELVIS PRESLEY – “All Shook Up”

I saw Elvis singing this song on TV when I was 10 and I went out and bought the Elvis Gold cassette tape the next time I got some pocket money from my parents. I just loved the swagger with which he sung and the way he said the word “huh!” like such a boss.

03. THE BEATLES – “The Night Before”

My sister had the record Help! on tape and I would borrow it and listen to this track and this is the first time I really started to harmonize.


04. BILLY JOEL – “Piano Man”

I went to Japan to visit my uncle Dave who had lived there since college. I was 11 and flew as an unaccompanied minor and we travelled around Japan in his Honda NSX sports car and on his CBR 900 Fireblade. It was an insanely cool trip and I’ll never forget it. While travelling in his car he would play lots of classic records including THE BEATLES, THE CARPENTERS, ABBA, ELTON JOHN and BILLY JOESL. I fell in love with the story telling in “The Piano Man.” I could picture myself inside the song and was always moved by the sadness and haunting melody. Even at that age it made me feel like I understood that lost souls don’t always get found.


05. COUNTING CROWS – “Round Here”

I loved how sad this song was. I loved the simple but killer intro electric guitar riff.


06. BUSH – “Glycerine”

This is the first song I could play all the way through and sing at the same time. And I did. A lot.



The “mmm, mmm, mmm” harmonies in the intro and that little guitar lick and I was hooked. Pure genius. Beautiful. Not too mention lyrics that never stop painting moving pictures in your imagination. I was 13 but this song made me feel like I was Sal Paradise. Paul Simon is my hero.