Photo by D.L. Anderson
With a first performance in two years last summer at Eaux Claires Music Festival, a short Asian tour this spring and the release of a recently previously unreleased old song the signs were already looking good for a comeback of Justin Vernon’s band BON IVER. Now, the man himself confirmed the end of the group’s hiatus in a new interview Billboard in which he stated that the group is now ‘winding down’ anymore. Vernon says:
I’m not exactly sure where I am with it. I’ve been winding down for a number of years for numerous reasons. For exhaustion, exposure. It’s never died or anything to me. It’s one of those things that needs to be protected in my own spirit.’
He furthermore says that he is also working on the first solo material since his critically acclaimed 2011 breakthough record Bon Iver, Bon Iver but he decided to take things really slow this time to get the feeling right.
‘I’ve been working on music, you know, man. It takes a long time, and I’m not sure exactly what it is or what it means to me, and until that happens I won’t really know exactly what sharing it will look like or feel like or when. There’s sort of this internal pressure, not from anybody but myself, to come out with new music for the festival. But I’m not gonna make myself do anything. I really have to take it step by step and have patience and know that the music – if it comes out, it’s gotta be really true, it’s gotta really live with the other records and extend from them and be reborn and all that. There’s a lot that goes into it. I’ve definitely been working on music.’
He’ll be also performing at his own festival Eaux Claires this summer which will take place on August 12th and 13th at Foster Farms near Eau Claire, Wisconsin.