After years of honing their sound, Lucas Cheung and Charise Aragoza, also known as Mother Tongues, come through with their complex debut “Love In A Vicious Way”. NBHAP editor Andreas caught up with the duo prior to the release and went deep into the intricate entanglements the record burrows through.
Debuting with a fascinating genre-bending record, Anglo-Irish musician Hugh Sheehan takes the listener by their hand and guides them through the exploration of queerness in all its nuances. NBHAP author Giulia Leonarduzzi had an in-depth talk about the debut album.
After two EPs the Stockholm-based Australian singer-songwriter released his debut album "Bloom Mountain" earlier this month and though it cannot warm your cold feet, chances are good it will warm your soul. So pack your hiking boots and join NBHAP author Lilly on a trip to "Bloom Mountain" – there are some treasures to be found.
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