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music declares emergency

Time To Reconnect With Nature: Get To Know Martin Kohlstedt’s Inspiring Forest Planting Project

The ongoing climate crisis can leave you numb and disillusioned from time to time. Instead of waiting for a miracle to happen or getting way too cynical it might be best to simply start doing little changes in your everyday life. Taking action is one aspect, redefining our relationship with nature in general is a whole different one. Acclaimed musician Martin Kohlstedt is fighting for exactly that and NBHAP head Norman spoke with him about his ambitious yet very pragmatic plan and how we all can learn something from it.
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No Music On A Dead Planet: Why NBHAP Supports “Music Declares Emergency”

We're living in the middle of a life-threatening environmental crisis and despite an increased understanding in the minds of many people there’s still not enough action that is taken to actively turn the wheel around. The music industry is just another part of our society that’s still too silent when it comes to this topic. Music Declares Emergency wants to change that and here NBHAP Norman Fleischer explains why he actively decided to support the organization a few months ago.
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