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sofia portanet

NBHAP’s 50 Best Songs Of 2020

What a freakin' year this has been! This sentence might be more true than at any moment in the past years. The Corona pandemic had a massive impact on pretty much all of our lives, the music industry and quite possibly also the rest of society. In the absence of live music events the songs and records that were released remained an anchor and provided much needed comfort in a difficult time. These are our fifty favourite tracks from this rollercoaster ride called 2020.
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Listen AHEAD Playlist Update: Sofia Portanet

Have you met the buzzing new queen of German wave pop already? Well, it's about time to follow the "Wanderratte" on her unstoppable journey in our newcomer playlist, along with freshly released tracks by exciting new artists like Girl Friday, Joesef, Aime Simone, Brijean, LMNL and more.
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