Wolfman - Press 2014

When NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION recently attended the hedonistic show of American queer house heroes HERCULES AND LOVE AFFAIR one thing that got stuuk positive in our memory was the support act. Yes, normally they have a hard time but Zürich-based band WOLFMAN received a warm welcome from the audience. And the applause for the Swiss band stayed on a constantly high level throughout their entire set. There’s something quite catchy about their recent debut album Unified. But not in a forced pop way.

WOLFMAN mix bittersweet melodies with a decent amount of darkness. If you are a fan of Scandinavian acts like TRENTEMØLLER or DARKNESS FALLS like we are, this might appeal to you as well. Smooth, soulful and still a bit mysterious. This band is worth to be discovered by you. Time for our infamous ‘Introducing’ Q&A with these lovely people.

1. How would you describe your music to a deaf person?
Psychadelic, bouncy at times, slow, sad and happy, in love with bass and in a complicated affair with a nylon guitar.

2. Imagine you have to create a mixtape to introduce people to your music. Which artists/ tracks, aside of your own, would be part of it?
NU – Man O To
FOUR TETMelody Days
FRANCOISE HARDY- Le Temps de L’amour
RHYELast Dance

3. Would you rather be a dragon or have a dragon?
Have a dragon, because then he can be your best friend, you can fly with him, watch him spit fire and raise hell together.

4. If you’re music would be a film how would you describe it? What genre? What actors? Any surprising plot twists?
Sci-fi film noir, directed by Wes Anderson’s sister (if he has one). With Goldie Hawn as the evil queen and the hero dies in the end,

5. If you as a group could have an alternative job together – what would it be?
We’d have a label for boy groups ad we’d produce everything from music to videos.

6. The music & culture industry is currently about to redefine itself. Do you feel like being completely and utterly at the its mercy, or should things be seen as a chance for artists?
It’s a good thing that we can do everything on our own today without anybody interfering. At the same time we’re still trying to figure out how to actually survive and thrive on music.