Could 2014 be the year of the musical return of MORRISSEY? After the legendary SMITHS-singer spend the last years with a lot of touring, health problems, ranting against everyone and having trouble finding a new label it looks like there might be a musical future for the beloved artist. As he now told in a Q&A with his fansite “” he’s about to start recording a new album soon. Details on this are still missing although MORRISSEY promised a song called Istanbul on it. The singer already premiered a few new songs during his tours in the past years but he hasn’t record any music since 2009’s album Years Of Refusal.
Furthermore he stated that he’s currently working on his first proper novel after having recieved positive feedback on the writing of his recently released Autobiography. You can read the full length Q&A by MORRISSEY right here. NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION keeps you updated on any information. In the meantime enjoy the maestros latest performance at the Nobel Peace Prize Concert.