Glaswegian newcomer Lizzie Reid is one of these young talents that draws you into her cosmos in just a matter of seconds, and so does her latest tease Been Thinking About You. Equipped with Lianne La Havas-like jazzy flashes, this lovely ballad exposes a playful and erratic side of the budding singer-songwriter, as she lyrically delves into fields of friendship and emotional appreciation. The mood is subtle, magically solemn, and yet sparkling with comic twists, as occasional shouts and laughter in between notes easily deliver.

“This is almost an appreciation song for a friend of mine. He was such a support for me at a time I wasn’t feeling my best. I was going through quite a confusing time and felt guilty that I couldn’t support him in the same way he supported me”,

Lizzie explains, illuminating the balancing act between deep sentiment and passionate musical design that she manages to merge in this stunning piece. This does set the bar high for her upcoming EP Cubicle (landing on Feb 10) and we’re more than excited to get lost in her alluring sound cosmos very soon.

Interested in the best new music, handpicked by your favourite music blog? Awesome! Because every Monday we’re updating the 50-track-strong Listen AHEAD Playlist on Spotify, adding ten strong songs by sill relatively unknown artists at its beginning. This week’s new picks also include fresh songs from Darjeeling, TESSEL, Dodie and Tim Weaver. Follow the playlist right here on Spotify and give these new talents a chance.