A gentle piano melody, a black and white video, smooth vocals; it might come as a surprise that NYLE has not been releasing her own music for most of her career. The Hamburg-based artist, Elin Bell, worked with many other artists following her Jazz studies but is finally finding her own voice. All We Start is the first song off the artist’s debut EP where to hide and a reflection of the broad range of musical encounters that shaped and inspired NYLE. “Working with so many different musicians has definitely helped me to broaden my horizon and to develop a sensibility for both sides: the one of the songwriter/artist, but also the one of the people that record the songs or play them live on stage together with the artist.” 

Elin Bell’s move to the city of Hamburg brought her closer to the versatile music scene and allowed her to explore “so many different musical styles and ways of making, recording and performing music”. But the artist’s musical roots are the keys of the piano, which she played for almost ten years before exploring other styles and instruments. “Until today, almost every song idea I come up with starts at a piano and I love the natural, earthy sound of it – especially the one of the piano we recorded for „All We Start“, she says.

where to hide

“All we start will end up in mendingNYLE sings and makes it hard to decide whether her vocals or the piano melody are the highlight of the song. The accompanying video, shot in black and white, gives an intimate insight into the artists world while the lyrics tell a story of heartaches.

The idea of „All We Start“ has developed some years ago when I found myself in one of those situations where there is obviously some kind of misunderstanding between two people and it’s impossible to define where it went wrong. You’re just standing there and you feel that something is off. It made me think a lot about communication, about misread signals and the fact that I feel like sometimes, you have these ideas of something or someone in your mind and you enter the encounter without checking in with the counterpart first. „All We Start“ is a song about moments that seem important but make you feel nothing and fragments that feel so small – but mean the world to you.”

When you listen to the single, the initial struggles the singer faced, especially when it came to vocals, are gone. NYLE admits that following the long period of her working for other musicians and adapting to their visions made it challenging for her to find her own voice at times. “It took some time to figure out what my natural sound was without having a task given by someone.” Well, she definitely made it work and credits her producer Fabio Niehaus and other musicians for their support along the way. “It took us a while and I really had to learn to be patient but I feel like the final result was worth it”, NYLE says and while we will have to wait a little longer for her debut where to hide, here is the first single All We Start for you to enjoy.

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